MindfulnessA key component of benefiting from and enjoying therapy, is the solid relationship you have with your therapist.  Denette has developed a way of utilizing mindfulness and meditation in her therapeutic work with clients of all ages. Mindful living increases life satisfaction and facilitates our learning about our unconscious habits that get in the way of living the satisfying life we are meant to live. Mindfulness teaches our brain to stay in the present more and less time in the past or future. When we are in the past or future we are usually worrying, regretting, ruminating, while our present experience is usually manageable and we take the time to notice the environment through our senses and feel more alive.


  • Feeling shame
  • Rumination
  • Sleep Issues
  • Inner Critic
  • Living like a ‘sleep-walker’
  • Feeling like life is rushing by without experiencing it
  • Relationship issues
  • Stress
  • Addiction